Blockchain is the Future

Is Blockchain the next GPT?

Curious to know if Blockchain technologies is displaying all the signs of becoming the next GPT? Our Founding Partner at PDG, Brennan Binford, discuses the concept of Blockchain and what you should expect in the future of General Purpose Technology.

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Get the Most Value Out of Your ERP Solutions

More for the Money: Five Ways to Squeeze the Most Value out of Your ERP System

While ERP solutions are indispensable for enterprise operations, they don't always work as intended. Here are five ways organizations can get more for the money and squeeze the most value out of their ERP operations.

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Importance of Digital Transformation

Embracing Digital Transformation to Future-Proof Your Organization (White Paper)

In this white paper, Brennan Binford, Founding Partner at PDG Consulting, shares why now is the best time to embrace digital transformation and when buying, building, or adopting a hybrid approach makes sense. Learn more by visiting PDG's latest blog.

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Media & Entertainment Digital Transformation Trends 2022

Top Digital Transformation Trends for Media & Entertainment Enterprises in 2022

This blog will discuss how the pandemic has accelerated digital transformation and the top digital transformation trends that media and entertainment industry enterprises are likely to experience in 2022.

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NAB OTT Streaming Summit 2022 Recap

In this article, Kyle Gilster, Director of Client Delivery at PDG, shares insights about his experience attending the NAB OTT Streaming Summit 2022 event along with his top takeaways.

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Excel UI vs. Web UI for Enterprise Business Planning

Excel UI vs. Web UI for Enterprise Business Planning

In this article, Brennan Binford, Partner at PDG Consulting, shares his insights on the ongoing Excel UI vs. Web UI debate when it comes to evaluating business planning tools.

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A State-of-the-Art Business Intelligence Platform For Ad Performance Analysis and Optimization—With Predictive Capabilities (White Paper)

At PDG Consulting, we work with a wide variety of clients in all types of industries—including well-known, major players in the entertainment industry. Our clients trust our technology and domain expertise, and frequently present us with their toughest, most innovative, high value software development projects.

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digital rights management software solutions

Film Industry Trends for 2022 That Affect Rights Management

With the world adjusting to the new normal brought on by ongoing COVID-19 disruptions and restrictions, the film industry and consumers alike are resorting to new platforms and methods for consuming, creating, and distributing entertainment.

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